
June Vacation with the Gleasons

We were able to visit Jamie and Charlotte this summer! We went to lots of parks for the kids to play, went to the Philadelphia Zoo, and just caught up on each others lives. Oh.... and our second day at their home we found out Maribeth was pregnant with our third!!!

We had a great time at Franklin Square in Philadelphia.
(Silas is wearing a t-shirt that used to be Seth's!)

Meg's quite the monkey!

Aren't those cheeks so kissable?

Silas wanted to be just like Meg.

Reid and Eli on a big see-saw.

The boys lined up for some food.

Charlotte and Meg

The kids drooled over the merry-go-round.

The big boys got to ride on it!

Eli couldn't believe he was actually riding a baug eegle (bald eagle)!

One day we went to the Philadelphia Zoo.
Independent Meg

Meg, Eli, and Silas riding a wild boar.

Meg's cheesing it up while Eli is working hard at his LOUD tractor sound.
(if you look closely you can see the vein in his neck popping!)

Silas loves his Papa

Eli is a big fan of the polar bears.

Meg is sharing her food with Uncle Seth.

And now with Silas....sharing is so much fun!

Eli is giving me his headlock hug while I try to look at the Highland Cattle.

Eli was excited that we got to see the elephants before they left the zoo!

Eli enjoyed spending everyday with his Papa.

Getting splashed by the waterfall.

The boys were exhausted...

Eli with his precious Baa-Baa Grey Sheep


  1. Ur boy's are so cute! Can't wait to meet u this month!!!!!

  2. oh what adorable pics!! its going to be so much fun having you and your cuties up here in the North woods! i was at your moms yesterday and she is so excited for your visit.
