
Lancaster, PA

We spent some time in Lancaster after the wedding. Seth had to go home to work on Monday but the boys and I stayed the rest of the week at my grandparents. We got to spend some extra time with my grandparents and Miriam, Peter, Johanna, and Aunt Molly who were also staying there! Eli and Silas were Peter's constant entertainment as he longed to run around with them-- some day soon! My parents came over to visit and of course spend time with the boys as much as they could. I had fun showing my boys the place where I lived for the first 22 years of my life!

My Mom and my Grandpa on Father's Day, 2009

My Dad and my brother, Mike

Mike and his daughter Kalin

Eli shooting deer with his rifle.

Family Pic

The Grandmas' watched our boys while Miriam, Johanna, and I had some time together at the Prince Street Cafe.

My Mom and her sisters singing... something like this usually happens at most family gatherings.

Johanna and Jared- to be married in October!

Emmalee hanging out with Eli while he watches the cows.

Peter looking very content after his bottle.

Eli thought the horse & buggies were pretty cool.

My parents and I took the boys to the Strasburg Railroad Museum.

Eli could not get over all the real trains- he loved the museum.

Peepaw and Eli got to shovel some coal into the firebox. Lots of fun!

Then we took a ride on the Strasburg Railroad!

Eli was amazed that he was riding on a real train!

Eli sitting with his Peepa

Silas sitting with his Meema

After our ride we went back to shoveling coal... this time Silas joined in.

We spent quite a bit of time here!

Great times with Family... this is my Grandma.

Lots of visiting together.
My Mom, Aunt Lisa, and Grandma & Grandpa

Uncle Dan got to cuddle with Silas just after he woke up from his nap.

Silas and Peter lovin on each other.

Story Time

Another outing to Prince Street Cafe- this time the boys came with us and Aunt Lisa met us there!

Silas, Peter, and Eli having play time--almost together!

Peter doing his usual happy chatter!

Eli mesmerizing Peter with his words. It was too cute!

Me and my boys... this is typical where they both want to be on my lap and when the camera pops out for a picture they don't cooperate! Oh well... gotta love 'em!


  1. Ahh loved seeing these pictures. I don't know if you noticed that I added some to our blog lastnight. Love you all! Great Memories!

  2. Thanks for sharing. Your photos are priceless! Boys are adoreable. Wish I could have spent more time with you all while you were here. Hopefully next time I'll be feeling better :) We Love You ! Aunt Martha
